VIQ Player 5.2

Free Plays audio and video files from VIQ solutions
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5.2 See all
viq solution ,Inc
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The software opens and analyzes media files. It works with data generated or modified in such programs as Encompass, RecordIAB, and CourtFLOW. The utility uploads them and checks the frame rate, transcription parameters, etc. It controls and modifies multi-channel playback parameters.

The main VIQ Player window allows you to control your audio playback. If you are playing back cases
that include video, please view the following section, Playing back video, for information on VIQ Player's
additional video features. VIQ Player also offers hotkey commands to assist in playback.\VIQ Player supports a USB foot pedal for recording control. In most foot pedals, the center pedal plays,
the left pedal fast-forwards, and the right pedal rewinds.
The VIQ Player lets you quickly and easily mute or unmute individual channels of audio. This allows you
to isolate a particular channel (or group of channels) to aid in transcription.

Comments (12)

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rating Angry Transcriber
VIQ Player does not play well in Windows 11 when using an Infinity foot pedal (or any pedal for that matter.) Lack of support has been a huge problem with this product. If anyone is struggling with the same issues I had, I'm sorry. Your best bet is to run the program on a deprecated version of Windows and find a different solution because VIQ isn't it.

Jun 18, 2024 Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply
rating Liza
Can't use the pedal with it and company no use in helping. This software is useless for transcribing.

Jun 30, 2023 Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply
Liza, You have to enable the use of the footpedal in the controls. It is fab once you get it working.

Oct 26, 2023 Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply
Kate, VIQ player telling me it cannot enable usb foot pedal. Any ideas? Thanks

3 months ago Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply
rating Deborah Nelson
Cannot play ES files even after conversion, but do something about your hotkeys. We transcriptionists need hotkeys that can be accessed by hitting one key, not two, and the ones you have are useless really to help speed up typing. What I have with ES, F3 is 150%, F4 Stop, F10 play regular speed, F11 50% speed. Different speakers may be need to be sped up or slowed down. To have to stop typing to click with a mouse is a waste of a ton of time in a 3-hour audio. Fix this and I'd use VIQ always except when I'm forced to due to file type.

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